Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Just What The Doctor Ordered...

Wow. One good trip to Iowa City really was all I needed. I feel SO much better- like myself again! A week without work, a whole lot of vodka, and some attention from a cute guy was just the trick ;-) ! I can't believe that it is October already! What happened to 2010? It seems like just yesterday I was in Iowa City for my 22nd birthday, and now I'm only a month out from celebrating my 22nd birthday again! (I refuse to turn 23, I don't feel 23, I'm not where I thought I would be in my life when I turned 23... so I'm just going to keep repeating 22 until I'm ready!)
Joe came into town for the day and Katie and I spent the afternoon with him which was a BLAST! We drove around for how long and then went for dinner @ BWW- it was so much fun! Not too much else going on! I have a shit ton of homework that I have been putting off, so I should probably get to that!
Until next time!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Left Behind

It's been a rough couple of weeks. School is back in session and I just can't seem to snap back into things. Last semester I was taking 17 credits and I rocked it out! I almost made deans list- and this semester I'm only taking 14 and just feel like I'm always behind! It's like I'm starting my 2nd year at Clarke, and (though I'm technically a junior,) I've hit my sophomore slump. I can't seem to find my stride. I'm always tired, always doing homework, and always feel alone. Michelle is working at the bowling alley a few days a week now and so she's gone more, and when Katie's not working she's with her boyfriend- (whether she should be or not is debatable in my opinion, but she's a big girl and is perfectly capable of making her own decisions, of which I will be supportive). I feel like I live alone with my cat- and while he is a very cute cat- he's not very good company. I feel like the rest of the world just keeps on trucking and I've been left behind. I think my body/mind is still on summer vacation.
Hopefully this weekend will help me catch up! I head to Iowa City for homecoming this weekend, which is always a BLAST! I don't think I have ever had a bad time during Iowa's homecoming (though for the first time, I've never actually heard of the bands performing...) Michelle and I are headed to IC when she gets off work and I get out of class Friday and I just want to have a good time! I need it. When I haven't been in class, doing homework, or moping about at home, I've been working like a fool. I'm trying to pay off all my other debts (i.e. car/ credit card/etc.) so that I can start saving for Spring '12's choir trip to Argentina and then not have any debt other than student loans by the time I graduate. Therefore, despite the fact that I'm a working fool- I am a poor working fool.
I apologize for my pitty party. I've been so blue and moody lately that my friends and family are probably getting sick of me, so I needed a new outlet to blow off some steam in. I don't think anyone actually reads this, so I'm probably not annoying anyone, but it makes me feel better to get it all out there.
Until next time.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Long time no blog! It has been close to a year since I last wrote, and what a year it has been! I promise to start doing this more often! (Not that anyone probably reads this anyhow...) Where to start...
First of all, I am on a hiatus from theater! I did waaaaay to much of it in too short of time frame and am burnt out!
I am now officially a Clarke University student! I began last semester and just started my second semester there! I LOVE it! I was so worried, because I had loved Wartburg so much, that I wouldn't feel the same way about Clarke, but I do! I have met some of the best people and made some awesome friends!
There aren't really any men in my life right now... I dated a guy we will just call "Tony" for several months and he just turned out to be a bum. He was one of those guys who thought that he was all manly and superior and he was just way too full of himself. I got really fed up with that REALLY fast. I've got my eye on a guy from school who we will just call "blue-eyes," but I think we have more of a friendship going than anything, so we'll see what happens...
I have FINALLY moved out of the parents house for good! (hopefully.) Michelle bought a house in Dubuque in April and Katie and I (and Chester, of course) moved in with her! We pay her rent to help with her mortgage and split the utilities and it's been working really well!
That's about all I have for right now, but I'll try to post more regularly and keep everyone (if there is anyone) up to date!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Times, They Are A Changin'....

What a last few weeks! Michelle and I ventured to Iowa City last weekend for Homecoming. It was, as always, quite the adventure! (Though not quite as drama filled as usual... there was still drama, just not as much.) We left on Thursday night so we could go to the Field House for $2 mini pitchers. I was a little worried about this due to the fact that last time I went to the Field House for $2 mini's, I passed out with my head in Jenny's garbage can :-P This time I limited myself to one mini of Long Island (as opposed to 4...), but still wound up with Trevor and Michelle carrying me home. Friday was much more tame. We got Never Ending Pasta Bowl at Olive Garden and chilled until the parade/concert that night. I made it through the parade and Augustana, but my numb toes and noes forced me to flee back to Jenny's and missed the Temptations. Saturday was game day and FREEZING! I think we all packed on about 10 pounds when we got dressed for the day! (and had plenty of alcohol to keep us warm!) We tailgated and watched the game at CJ's house, which was mildly awkward seeing as CJ wasn't there, but we made it through! We went to a bar, which I think was called Sidelines, that night after the game and I somehow became some random girl in the bathroom's new favorite person by informing her that girls should never buy guys shots... and told her my name was Molly Connolly- this made her feel the need to have a picture taken with me. I'm probably tagged in her facebook photo album as "Kick-ass girl named Molly Connolly we met in a bathroom in Iowa City..." We then went to Ben's friend Ben's apartment, where I proceeded to successfully ignore Sam the whole night, and be bitten by Trevor (who suddenly decided he was Edward Cullen afterall... I still have a bruise...)
Now all plans are on for Halloween! I am going as Wednesday Addams from the Addams Family! I have a show in Orangeville that night, but am FULLY planning to make up for lost time when I get back to town!
Katie moves home on Thursday!!!!! Yay! I have missed having that crazy June Von Lichtenstein in my life!
Life is changing. I can't shake the feeling that my life is still in a make-over period, despite the fact that things are finally settling down in my world... time will tell...

Thursday, October 1, 2009


I am sick of winter already and it hasn't even started yet! It is cold, rainy, and windy and I am still waiting for summer! What happened to July? I missed it!
It hasn't been my best week. I think with Forbidden Broadway done (for now), I've had too much spare time on my hands. Spare time isn't a good thing for me. It gives me too much time to feel lonely. I love having my friends around, but they aren't the same and having a guy around. I know, Melissa is doing the whole "I want to be single for a while" thing, and that's great! But I did the "i want to be single for a while" thing for the better part of 19 years. I didn't care for it much then, and I certainly don't care for it much now. It's not that I want to date someone just to date someone. There is no point to that. I just wish I could find a man who I enjoy spending time with and doing things with. (And maybe someone who wouldn't mind snuggling up to watch a movie!) Why is it so hard to find guys like that? It's so frustrating. I am ready to meet someone. I'm not ready for anything serious, but finding someone to date would be nice. This is much harder than I remember it being.
Other than my man-woes, not much else is new hear! I had my first marketing meeting at the Grand last night. I didn't feel like I had much to contribute at this point, but I'm keeping my eyes out and my mind open to new ideas that can bring business in. I am REALLY looking forward to going to Iowa City next weekend for homecoming! I really need to get away and cut lose a bit. Mostly, I need to get out of town for a while! I'm stressed!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Give My Regards to (Forbidden) Broadway!

This has been one CRAZY (yet fun!) last week! It all began last Saturday I guess. We started our "tech week" (ha! That's a joke) of Forbidden Broadway... which means we sang the most vocally strenuous show I have ever done once a day for 8 days in a row! I am vocally shot!
The reason "tech week" is a joke, is because the theater we did the show at was a joke. They promised us all of these things when we decided to do the show there (like being able to rehearse their previous to the show opening...) and we got NOTHING! They were too worried about losing revenue of movies they could show in that theater to let us have a real tech. Not only did we not get to rehearse in there before the show, they didn't even want to let us in until 15 minutes before the house opened (never mind setting up the lights, keyboard, and doing mic-checks... who does that kind of stuff anyhow?) Luckily, Megan laid down the smack and we got in early enough for all of that. If anyone who does theater in Dubuque is considering using Mindframe as a performance space... DO NOT DO IT! Other than the theater being mildly ridiculous, the show was FANTASTIC! I got to work with four of the most talented people I have ever worked with (Terry, Megan, Jake, and Luke) and I got to do one of the most fun shows ever! If anyone is not familiar with Forbidden Broadway... get familiar with it! It's hillarious. I also got the chance to give and hear imput on new productions Main Street Players may do. Now we are making plans for The Pirates of Penzance!
It has been a great week as far as theater is concerned! We opened FB, got contracted to take the show on the road to Illinois, and made plans for Pirates. Sandra also took it upon herself to play "Molli's agent" and talk me up to the Timberlake playhouse where I am auditioning for their 2010 summerstock season. We also are picking out my audition songs for my summerstock auditions and preparing for those (SO EXCITING!) I also found out Dbq Art Theater is doing "The Last 5 Years," which I really want to audition for. It is going to be a VERY busy next year! Theaters in and around Dubuque: PLEASE stop doing shows that I really want to do, I'm running out of free time!
I'm also getting ready to start on the marketing committee at the Grand! I'm really excited for that, seeing as it is what my major is in and it will be great experience! YAY! Exciting times in Dubuque!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Thus the Drama Begins... and Sort of Ends...

I've been contemplating starting a blog for some time now. The biggest reason is for me to let my friends in all corners of the globe know whats going on in little 'ol Dubuque, Ia. Katie's in LA, Liss is in Rome, and all my other friends spread out over the Midwest.
Secondly, life is too interesting not to be able to share it with everyone else! Life never leaves me board and I always seem to have stories, wisdom's, and gossip to share. Drama seems to find me wherever I am. Lord knows, this summer has been filled with enough of it to fill a novel.
To fill everyone in, this is where my life is at...

I am in my LAST semester at NICC (thank you Jesus!) I start at Clarke this winter (assuming I can get loans to cover what I didn't get in financial aid). I have decided on a Communications major with emphasis in Advertising and Public Relations along with a theatre minor. The sole purpose of the minor is to simply give me more theatre experience.
I'm back at home with my parents (so far, so good...) and newly single. I've spent the last three months freaking out about being single (somewhere I never thought I would be again), and in the last week or so, have embraced it! Last Wednesday night, after my grandpa's funeral, while making mac n' cheese in my kitchen with my mom and Michelle, it suddenly occurred to me that I was happy again. I haven't been able to truly say I was happy since May! It seemed like strange timing, seeing as I had just lost and buried my grandpa, but it somehow made sense too. Grandpa started getting sick around the time Adam and I broke up. I hadn't been able to catch a break since. If I wasn't having issues in one department of my life, I was having them in another. When Grandpa finally passed last Friday, the drama of this summer finally came to an end. I could finally relax and get a new perspective on my life. Losing someone close to you makes you look at things very differently. It made me think a lot about what I want out of life. I want to be happy. I want to go to Clarke and finish school, move to a big city, meet someone great, fall in love, and live happily ever after. I know not all of this will happen without bumps along the way, but hopefully it is all something I can accomplish.
I'm a little disheartened that it took me all summer and losing a grandparent to get to this place. I feel like a lost a whole third of a year, but those three months are over now. Starting now, I get my life back. I am going to live it the way I want to, and God help the man, woman, or child that tries to stop me!